
Dama Safaris
Suraj Plaza, Limuru Road, 3rd Floor
p.o. Box 11294 – 00400, Nairobi - Kenya

Telephone: +254.20.2011939
Mobile: +254.720.551189 (Peter)

Mweya Safari Lodge

travel is said to broaden horizons. however finding unspoilt locations which are still exclusive is becoming harder and harder. In Eastern Africa, uganda is one of the few remaining places where a truly individual experience is guaranteed.

Mweya Safari Lodge is located in the Queen Elizabeth National Park, which boasts numerous unique attractions, in addition to all the game viewing and ornithology, which have become synonymous with the term safari.

let your personal safari adventure begin on a peninsula at mweya safari lodge where it effortlessly blends with surrounding lakes edward and george. we believe beyond doubt that unique encounters always begin off the beaten track.

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