Nomad's Nduara Loliondo (Camp)

OFFICIAL CATEGORY (Ministry of Tourism classification): 03***

loliondo camp is set at the base of a granite monolith that shades the camp from the elements like the nearby waterhole frequented by game. the tents are spread out throughout the kopje area. This is a place of outstanding natural beauty with a landscape of differing habitats: from sweeping grassy plains to rolling wooded hills, acacia-lined watercourses and dramatic granite kopjes. Resident game is plentiful in the area, drawn during the dry seasons by the nearby waterhole and increasing in the spring and (especially) the autumn, when the migration can be expected to pass through the concession on its way to/from the mara area.

LOCATION: In Serengeti National Park in the new Loliondo Concession, bordering the north-eastern boundary of the serengeti and very close to the south-eastern side of the maasai mara.

The distance is about Access is either by air or by road, approximately:

  1. 01 hour drive from Lobo Airstrip serviced by scheduledflights Note that Lobo is inside the Serengeti National Park and therefore driving to/from Lobo attracts a daily Park Fee)
  2. 45 minutes drive from Waso Airstrip serviced by private charter flights
    35 minutes from Kleins Camp (note that guests from Kleins are unable to access Loliondo without special permission).
  3. (3/4 to 1 days drive from Ngorongoro (shorter routing: Eastern side of SNP; longer routing: via Seronera & Lobo). half day drive from seronera. 45 minutes from lobo lodge.

CLIMATE: The temperature is comfortably hot during the day, nights can be chilly. Rains occur between November and May, the heaviest rainfall is normally in april. june to october are dry and windy. september and october are much drier before the november rains.

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